
Hello Everyone and Welcome to Magic Bridges!

I am so glad you found me.  Magic Bridges is a little different different that many other websites and companies out there.  Magic Bridges essentially represents the magical connections that we all make with one another to help us find the solutions to our problems.

You see, I feel that sometimes we all look towards those that are in our traditional inner circle to help us find the answers we need.  For example, working mothers might only ask other working mothers in the same field for advice.  We are firm believers here at Magic Bridges in the power of the “village” concept.  The concept that it takes a village to raise a villager.  We can learn from each other and find simple solutions to problems that we might have thought were complex, if we only take the time to allow those connections to form.

Magic Bridges is partly about empowering families with natural solutions and partly about empowering families to find solutions in places they wouldn’t normally look. We like to incorporate essential oils in place of other products full of synthetics whenever possible and we also like to find simple solutions to all kinds of other problems as well. However, as we discover other natural solutions to help eliminate chemicals from our home, we will share them with you here.  However, you should also expect to see all kinds of other life hacks.  You will find things from technology that can assist us with getting more done in less time to figuring out how to believe in ourselves here at Magic Bridges.  Why?  Because we think everything is connected … by a little magic.

We enjoy teaching others about essential oils, technology solutions to help be more productive, and the benefits of believing in ourselves and how to incorporate all of that into our homes and every day lives.

We are all complex beings.  I happen to be a CEO of a company making products for caregivers, a mother of four, a Mom of an autistic child, an entrepreneur, a wife, and many other things – just like you.  My goal is to provide you with relatable information you can see yourself or your family using on a regular basis.

When you visit Magic Bridges, you can expect to find DIY recipes, essential oil tips, productivity tips, answers for entrepreneurs, and tips on getting it done when you have too much to do!  Keep checking back to as I, and others, add more blogs to the site.

I hope you will choose to follow us as we look to make connections in unlikely places. Check out the website and be sure to visit the Contact page before you leave. We would love to hear from you. Drop us a line and let us know what you like, what you learned or what are the topics you are most interested in?
